COVID 19 Update - We are open for businesses, but please keep in mind that flight options are currently limited depending on the location of the destination. Send us an email with your inquiry and we can let you know more about shipping details. Thank you for your patience!

Pholis spp.
To 25 cm long. Collection method: trap, seine, or hand collection at low tide

Mosshead Warbonnet
Chirolophis nugator
To 15 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

Wolf Eel
Anarrichthys ocellatus
To 2 m long (adult). Juvenile sent at ~1m. Collection method: SCUBA

Shiner Perch
Cymatogaster aggregata
To 12 cm. Collection method: seine net

Striped Surf Perch
Embiotica lateralis
To 30 cm. Collection method: seine net or hook-and-line

Vermillion Rockfish
Sebastes miniatus
Sent as juvenile, <30 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

Canary Rockfish
Sebastes pinniger
Sent as juvenile, <30 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

Black Rockfish
Sebastes melanops
To 40 cm. Collection method: hook-and-line

Longfin Sculpin
Jordania zonope
To 12 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

Sailfin Sculpin
Nautichthys oculofasciatus
To 15 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

Buffalo Sculpin
Enophrys bison
To 40 cm. Collection method: SCUBA or hook-and-line

Red Irish Lord
Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus
To 30 cm. Collection method: SCUBA or hook-and-line

Spiny Lumpsucker
Eumicrotremus orbis
To 5 cm. Collection method: captive-reared
Silver-Spotted Sculpin
Blepsias cirrhosus
To 20 cm. Collection method: SCUBA or seine net

Grunt Sculpin
Rhamphocottus richardsoni
To 7 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

White-Spot Greenling
Hexagrammos stelleri
To 45 cm. Collection method: SCUBA, seine net, or hook-and-line

Painted Greenling
Oxylebius pictus
To 20 cm. Collection method: SCUBA

Ophiodon elongatus
To 150 cm. Collection method: SCUBA or hook-and-line

Bay Pipefish
Syngnathus griseolineatus
To 30 cm. Collection method: seine net
Aulorhynchus flavidus
To 18 cm. Collection method: seine net or cast net
For a detailed price list please email us
Please let us know if you are looking for an organism that does not appear on our species list, we still may be able to collect it for you. We always enjoy a challenge!
We collect with your display needs in mind. Therefore we collect large, show size specimens whenever possible. There are exceptions however: some fish and mollusc species travel better as juveniles. We will inform you when this is the case.